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SKU: AG-CR1-0030-M001
Brand: Adipogen
Lead Time: 2-3 weeks

Cell permeable, specific p38 MAP kinase inhibitor [1, 2, 5].
Binds to the ATP binding site of p38 MAP kinase [3].
T cell proliferation inhibitor [4].
IL-2 production inhibitor [4].
SAPK/JNK inhibitor [5].
COX-1 and -2 inhibitor [6].
Raf-1 activator [7, 8].
Apoptosis enhancer [9].
Antiproliferative [10].
PDK1 inhibitor [10].
Anti-inflammatory [11].
Review [12].
Enhances cardiomyogenesis of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) [13].

Regular price $419.00 SGD
Regular price Sale price $419.00 SGD
Sale Sold out
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General Specifications

1. Formula: C21H16FN3OS
2. MW: 377.4
3. CAS: 152121-47-6
4. Purity Chemicals: ≥99% (HPLC)
5. Appearance: White to off-white solid.
6. Solubility: Soluble in DMSO or methanol.
7. Shipping: AMBIENT
8. Short Term Storage: +4°C
9. Long Term Storage: -20°C

Safety & Documentation

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Disclaimer: Products are chemical reagents for research use
only and are not intended for human use. We do not sell to patients.